The Adigrat City Farm was launched in the summer of 2015 as Tsebiqiley Adigrat Gardening Project operating in the city of Adigrat, Tigray regional state. Orthodox Muslim and Catholic Unity Charitable Trust (OMCUCA) from Adigrat and WHEAT Mentor Support Trust (WHEAT MST) from the UK are implementing the project. It was funded by AFFORD for three consecutive years. The overall objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of orphaned children and other people affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. The project targets orphaned children and their guardians, poor women making their living of paid-sex (prostitution) and poor heads of households living with HIV/AIDS.
The once-derelict land in a deprived neighbourhood is now home to 150 apple trees and a whole host of vegetables – carrots, tomatoes, cabbages, green pepper, salad, pumpkins – which are grown, and sold, across 4000 square metres of blossoming gardens. In addition to that over 80 sheep and 3 cows are raised, and crop production is underway by hiring land from two school compounds.
The aims of the project are threefold:
1. Empowerment of the households of 97 HIV/AIDS orphans economically, socially and psychologically
2. Promotion of healthy eating within the local communities by encouraging them to buy and eat fruits and vegetables
3. Maintaining the eco-system of Adigrat and its surroundings by creating greenery that is ecologically friendly and environmentally sustainable.
The humble beginning of the project coincided with El Nino drought that ravaged parts of Ethiopia, including Tigray where the gardening site is located. Due to shortage of water during the main rainy season, brave men and women made an assembly line to get water from a pond of a very deep gorge along the edge of the site; they also collected water by horse carts and on the backs of women from far-away places. Before any plantation began, a massive clearing process of the derelict land took place.
Jobs have been created for a coordinator, five gardeners and over 400 casual labourers and over 30 OMCUCA members have volunteered their green fingers. Basic induction and sensitisation programmes were delivered to all members, followed by mentorship and planning sessions before the start of the planting work. The secret of the success comes from everyone’s compassion, commitment, and resilience. The site is now an attraction for foreign visitors and potential donors such as international NGO representatives in Ethiopia, the Canadian embassy team or Don Bosco staff. Many other missionaries from Malta, Germanay, France and the USA have visted the site eversince.
The gardening project has expanded to cover 7 other similar projects in 7 sub-districts around Adigrat. In the foreseeable future, this project will run poultry and bee farms.
Our dream is to build a business, educational and recreation hub with more job opportunities from an open market of stalls, recreation facilities, window shops and a cafe onsite. We have linked the farm to potential local buyers, such as Adigrat University, Adigrat General Hospital, and a variety of hotels. Qualified and experienced gardeners will take contracts from Adigrat City Administration to plant a variety of trees in public spaces, businesses, and residential homes. As the economy grows, more middle-class consumers are being created with greater demand for gardening.
Our even bigger dream is to reclaim land from the huge river gorge which passes through the middle of Adigrat City. During rainy seasons floods carry away soil, wood, animals, and humans along with it. The reclaimed land could create jobs for thousands young people who could develop their own city farms and cafes along the river.
Orthodox, Muslim & Catholic Unity Charitable Association (OMCUCA) Report
Tsebiqiley Adigrat Gardening Project M&E Report
A joint gardening programme of WHEAT Mentor Support Trust and Orthodox, Muslim and Catholic Unity Charitable Association in the town of Adigrat, Northern Ethiopia funded by AFFORD
A joint gardening programme of WHEAT Mentor Support Trust and Orthodox, Muslim and Catholic Unity Charitable Association in the town of Adigrat, Northern Ethiopia funded by AFFORD
Recently, WHEAT MST has been working in Tigray region of northern Ethiopia with Orthodox Muslim Catholic Unity Charity Association (OMCUCA). The Association was established in 2006 to care and support people affected by HIV/AIDS and in particular children and young people orphaned by the disease. WHEAT MST offered consultancy, workshop and training to enable OMCUCA to provide one-to-one mentoring and befriending support for the young people as well as building the capacity of its youth club leaders. In 2012 WHEAT MST donated football kit to the football teams of the orphans. OMCUCA is making a real difference in lives of so many HIV/AIDS victims with sustained impact in the community. WHEAT MST envisages to organise a conference in collaboration with OMCUCA to engage all stake holders in the town of Adigrat with the aim of establishing a network of support for children and young people orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Since 2006, WHEAT MST has delivered a number of courses/workshops in partnership with the following local agencies inspiring so many of the course participants.
WHEAT MST also worked with other local partners in Addis Ababa and the Tigray region such as the Ethiopian Civil Service University, Mekele University, Adigrat University, Adigrat Zonal Office and Tigray Development Association. WHEAT MST has established excellent working relationship with OMCUCA and will continue to cascade the best mentoring practice across African communities.
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