Ending Poverty in Tigray Through City Farm Development
The Adigrat City Farm was launched in the summer of 2015 in the city of Adigrat, Tigray regional state.
The once-derelict land in a deprived neighbourhood is now home to 150 apple trees and a whole host of vegetables – carrots, tomatoes, cabbages, green pepper, salad, pumpkins – which are grown, and sold, across 4000 square metres of blossoming gardens. In addition to that over 80 sheep and 3 cows are raised, and crop production is underway by hiring land from two school compounds.
The aims of the project are threefold:
1. Empowerment of the households of 500 HIV/AIDS orphans economically, socially and psychologically
2. Promotion of healthy eating within the local communities by encouraging them to buy and eat fruits and vegetables
3. Maintaining the eco-system of the city of Adigrat by creating green space and environment friendly farmland.
The Adigrat City Farm is working towards diversifying its income generating activities. It has already created compost making and seediling growing allotments for producing and selling compost and seedilings to local farms. The Farm will also sell affordable semi-processed food items and cooked food for the local communities in the city of Adigrat by opening food shops and a cafe.
Side by side of food production, the Farm will also provide 1-2-1 mentor support to young people on how to increase land productivity; selection of seeds and seedlings and increasing production for food self-sufficiency. Their mentors are drawn from experienced alumni members of the Farm who have changed their lives as well as experts from Tigray Bureau of Agricultural and Adigrat University.
Our bigger dream is to reclaim land from the huge river gorge which passes through the middle of Adigrat City. During rainy seasons floods carry away soil, wood, animals, and humans along with it. The reclaimed land could create jobs for thousands of young people who could develop their own city farms and cafés along the river.
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1. Gofundme
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2. Wheat Mentor Support Trust Bank Account
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Name of Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account Name: Wheat Mentor Support Trust
Sort Code: 30-95-74
Account Number: 00204889
If you would like details of planned giving or one off donations or information about WHEAT Mentor Support Trust, please contact us on the address, telephone, or email address below. We will be pleased to provide further information.
Dr Hailu Hagos
WHEAT Mentor Support Trust
Community African Network (CAN)
Halkevi Community Centre
31-33 Dalston Lane
London E8 3DF
Mobile: 07508786018
Email: hailu@wheatmentorsupport.org.uk
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