WHEAT Mentor Support Trust is governed by a group of seven trustees who are elected every year at the annual general meeting. The membership of the general council (98) that elects the board of trustees is composed of former mentors and mentees who helped to change someone’s life or their own lives. Over 50% of WHEAT MST mentors are UK nationals while the rest are enlightened refugees or migrants who succeeded in helping themselves, their families and their communities.
The day to day activities of the organisation are carried out by executive director, staff and volunteers. Student social workers who are sent by various universities for their work placements also work alongside staff and volunteers.
Our Aims
- To enable Black and Asian Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) and other vulnerable groups from mainstream society achieve their goals and aspirations through one-to-one mentor support and volunteering opportunities
- To enable BAMER and other vulnerable groups and individuals with less experience to develop skills and make them employable
- To improve welfare and health among refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and other vulnerable groups of people
- To cascade the best practice of mentoring by assisting other agencies to set up their own mentoring schemes
- To improve community cohesion by bringing families together
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