Conference and Workshop Papers
- “Prospects and Problems of Repatriation – the Case of Ethiopian and Eritrean Returnees”, 4th International Research and Advisory Panel Conference on Refugees and Forced Migration, Somerville College, University of Oxford, UK 5-9 January 1994
- “Refugees As a Resource For Development”, Adult Refugees and Their Right to Employment and Education Conference organized by the Race and Equality Unit to Mark the European Year Against Racism, Islington Town Hall, London, UK n.d
- “Mentoring for Refugees”, Mentoring, Citizenship and the Community: Third Annual Conference of the London Region of the National Mentoring Network, Institute of Education, London, UK 11th January 2002
- “Training for Refugees”, 6th Artists’ Exchange Day, Refugees and the Art Initiative. London Arts, London, UK, 24th March 2002
- “Benefits of Refugee Mentoring and Employer Network”, Work Placement Network Workshop organized by Sahara Communities Abroad (SACOMA), Redbridge Teacher’s Centre, London, UK, 25th May 2002
- “Workforce Refugee Mentoring Project”, Sutton Multi-Agency Refugee Alliance, Sutton, UK, 29th May 2002
- “Real Life Experience”, Supporting Integration Conference, Mentoring and Befriending Conference for organisations working with refugees and recent immigrants to the UK, The Congress Centre, London, UK, 4th March 2005
- “PAMP Presentation at the Interfaith Refugee Network Meeting”, 6 Melior Street, London 9th Mar. 2005
- “Renewal RAMP and Newham Support Organisations”, Community Sector Meeting, The Hub, Canning Town, London 23rd May 2005
- “Setting Up A Mentoring Scheme”, Just Befriending Conference, National Catholic Refugee Forum, Cathedral House, Leeds, UK, 18th June 2005
- “Recruit to Suit” Inspire to Aspire Conference, Mentoring and befriending Foundation, Royal College of Physicians, London, UK, 1st July 2005
- “REACH and Diversity?”, Co-presented with Sarah Arnold (TimeBank), and Ruth Wilson (Tandem), The 2005 European Volunteering Assembly, Volunteer England in association with Volunteer European
- “The Role of Mentoring in Promoting Social Inclusion of Refugees”, co- authored with G. Dona, University of East London and Hailu Hagos, Refugee and Migrant Project, London, and presented at the International Conference on European Port Cities: Disadvantaged Urban Areas in Transition, held at the University of Hamburg, Germany (12-13th November 2005)
- “RAMP Project”, Mentoring in Europe: Best Practice, Co-operation and Challenge Conference at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, UK 17th November 2005
- “Recruitment of Mentors and Befriends: Methods and Materials”, MBFN North and East London Network Support Meeting, Manor Gardens Centre, London, UK 7th March 2006
- “How We Set Up the Mentoring Scheme”, Integrating Together, An Event for Refugee and Asylum Seeker Organisations, City Temple, London, UK, 23rd March 2006
- “Mentoring Refugees: The RAMP Experience”, Developing Sustainable Futures, The National Mentoring and Befriending Conference, The Concourse Suite, Birmingham, UK 3rd May 2006
- Gold Star Project Panel Discussion, Gold Star, Leeds, 4th July 2006
- “Person-Centred Approach to Refugee Mentoring” Refugee & Employment: Challenging Barriers & Exploring Pathways Conference, Working Research Institute and London Metropolitan University, Holloway Campus, London, 6th July, 2006
- “Mentoring Refugees: The RAMP Experience”, Social Mentoring Conference, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK, 17th September, 2007
- “Education in Britain Through Supplementary Schools and Mentoring”, Co-presented with Eric Huntley, Bogle L’Ouverture to Mark Black History Month 2010, Council Chamber, Harrow Civic Centre, London, UK 27th October 2010
- Consultation Services: Kent Refugee Network (2002); Camden LEA (2005); Red Kite Learning – Hackney (2005); Step-Up, The Renewal Programme – Newham (2005); Westminter Volunteer Centre (2006), Newham Routes/Roots – Norwich (2006); Time Together in Bristol – London (2007); Newham Link, London (2009)
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